Fantasy Football

Think you've got the best football brain in the South Cheshire Chamber community? Prove it - join our South Cheshire Chamber Fantasy Football League! Prizes will be awarded to the end of season winner as well as each 'Manager Of The Month'.

(Available only to current South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce members)


The Champion

The manager who reigns supreme and wins the league will earn the following prizes:

2 x tickets to our Christmas Networking event (valued at £50 + VAT)

1 x inside back cover advert in our Chamber Business magazine (valued at £400 + VAT)

Previous Winner

Chris Steele from The Crown Group won the inaugural 2023/24 season.

Manager Of The Season 2024 Photo

Manager Of The Month

Prizes are available each month so even if you're The Chamber's newest member, you can still compete! The manager who achieves the highest score each month will be crowned the Manager Of The Month.

They will be rewarded with a celebratory social media post (going out to our 7,400+ audience). This is an opportunity for you to gloat over fellow competitors and also showcase your business.

Join The Conversation

Trash talking is absolutely encouraged! If you would like to share tactics with fellow managers or gloat over a competitor, feel free to do so in our private South Cheshire Chamber Members discussion group on LinkedIn. Join here!


This competition is only available to South Cheshire Chamber members.

There is no limit to how many people can enter from one company so invite your colleagues!

Winners must be a current South Cheshire Chamber member in order to receive a prize. If a winner is no longer a member, their prize will be awarded to the highest scoring member.

In the highly likely event that the winner is the Digital Marketing Manager for South Cheshire Chamber (or any other Chamber employee), the prize will be awarded to the highest scoring current member.

Prizes are dependent on the number of members competing in the league. Low participation will reduce the prize so be sure to invite your colleagues and any other members you speak to.

Good luck! ⚽🏆

Lorem Ipsum

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